Gowings Whale Trust
Industry Expert - Environment - Australia
The Humpback delights coastal dwellers with its acrobatics as it makes its way through Australian waters and by increasing our understanding of this mammal, its environment and the impact man has upon it, we will have a greater chance of ensuring its survival.
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Sea Shepherd Marine Debris Campaign exceeds the million-dollar mark
In February 2016, Sea Shepherd Australia announced a campaign dedicated to raising awareness and combatting the global catastrophe that is...
18 Jul 2018
Sea Shepherd’s Operation Jeedara
Sea Shepherd Australia is part of the Fight for the Bight Alliance, whose mission is to stop BP from drilling...
24 Nov 2017
Support Humpbacks – Gowings Whale Trust
‘There are many great minds on earth and not all are human.’ – Anthony Douglas Williams Here at Coastbeat, we’re...
24 Nov 2017