11 last-minute ideas for romance!
It’s Valentine’s Day and you’ve not organised a thing for your beloved. That’s all well and good if your partner is blasé about all things romance today but if you know you’ll be in the bad books for not coming up with something, we’ve got 11 great ideas for last-minute romance.
1. Set the Scene

Grab a beautiful Palm Beach Collection candle or two from Lilly & Sapphire to create a wonderful ambiance. Maybe even run a bath for your partner or soak in one together with some relaxing music in the background and candles on the go (lots of tealights from Kmart will also work). In no time at all, you’ll be feeling the love and half-expecting Osher to walk in with a rose!
2. Download some tunes

This is easy if you have a shared Spotify account. If not, maybe consider setting up an account for your partner and creating a playlist you know they’ll love. It’s the modern-day version of the mixed tape. If you’re married, songs from your wedding day are a sweet and sentimental inclusion.
3. Choose a movie for them

Sure, one of you may have seen ‘The Notebook’ countless times but have you ever watched it together? If you need a flick with a bit more grit, maybe the 1993 classic ‘True Romance’ is more your speed. It was written by a fella called Tarantino – perhaps you’ve heard of him? Here’s a compilation of romantic movies to guide you…
4. Say ‘I Love You’ with a twist

Sure, you’ve said these words to your other half more times than you could count, but have you ever said it or written it down in another language?
Here are several suggestions to bring out the love-declaring linguist in you…
French: Je t’aime (pronunciation = ‘Zhuh tem’)
Italian: Ti amo (pronunciation = ‘Tee ah-mo’)
Spanish: Te amo (pronunciation = ‘Tay-ah-mo’)
German: Ich liebe dich (pronunciation = ‘Ick leebuh dik’)
Greek: S’agapo (pronunciation = ‘Seg-app-oh’)
Japanese: Aishiteru (pronunciation = ‘Ay-she-tay-ee-roo’)
If you really want to go all out, click here to hear ‘I love you’ in 40 different languages.
5. Create a sweet treat

C’mon, you can do better than the 11th hour box of chocolates from the supermarket. Buy some fresh local strawberries (for Coffs Coasters, Fresco Marketplace is your best bet), grab your sweetheart’s fave choccie, melt the chocolate, let cool a bit and then dip the fresh strawberries in before popping them in the fridge to set. Voila!
6. Spell it out

Heartfelt words can mean more than any gift. Why not put into words what your special person means to you? It doesn’t have some lengthy love letter (although that would excellent) just grab a card and put pen to paper to remind them of treasured memories or funny adventures you’ve had together along the way.
7. USB Love & Wedding Day Photos

This one is a bit tricky if you’re totally last minute but consider compiling some of your best photos on a USB and have them ready to play on the screen or TV as a Valentine’s Day surprise. It’s a sweet gesture – the visual story of the two of you really – or of the family you’ve created.
Another way to look back is to grab your wedding album and set it aside with a note on top for when your loved one gets home. Seriously, when was the last time you looked at your wedding photos (or played the video from your wedding day?) Check yourselves out as loved-up newlyweds.
8. Romance in a glass – shaken not stirred

Feel free to get suave and go all Bond by blending up some ingredients to make a delicious cocktail. Maybe even name the drink after somewhere that means a lot to you; a reminder of your first date or your honeymoon destination? Create something fab. We recommend chilled Prosecco with a splash of cranberry juice. If that doesn’t float your boat, find your love potion inspiration right here.
9. Say it with flowers

Sure, this method is tried and tested but it’s a gesture sure to be well-received – especially if you’re not normally the flower sending type…. You can opt for a classic purchase such as red roses or perhaps go for something a little more unexpected. Pansabella has you covered with beautiful blooms a-plenty. Do you know your Valentines’ favourite florals? Create something personal from the flowers in season. If you can’t pop to a local florist, order online.
10. Pack a picnic

Good quality champagne with fresh strawberries or a selection of cheeses is all you need for a romantic picnic. And where to go? Wherever you are on the coast, there is sure to be a gorgeous lookout nearby. See our article with 11 Lovely Lookouts of the Coast.
11. Share your thoughts over a drink

Grab a favourite bottle of his favourite tipple or her preferred wine or champagne and after a toast, jot down the things you love and appreciate about the other person as you sip away. On the second drink, read your thoughts to them aloud and have them do the same.
We hope our suggestions help. Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all!