One Perfect Summer
We can all remember that one mythical summer when everything was perfect. Can you picture it? The days were long and the air was sweet. There was fun to be had and worries were few. Let’s forget about the year that was and focus on a brighter future. Summer awaits and it’s all yours!

Thrills dress from Urban Life, Coffs Central Polka dot dress from Lily and Sapphire, Coffs Central

Bek wears Tree of Life, Port Central Tree of Life, Port Central

Wrap skirt from Tree of Life, Port Central Kaftan from P’Chi, Port Central – blanket from Bed Bath and Table, bag from Lily and Sapphire, Coffs Central

Jess wears outfit from Dotti, Port Central and Marley wears Connor, Port Central Dress, hat and sandals from Dotti, Port Central

Hat, shirt and shorts from Coopers Surf, Coffs Central Hat from Blue Illusion, dress from Lily and Sapphire, Coffs Central

Heather wears dress from Uptown Local Amelia wears Grow Baby Co, Coffs Central
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