Quiz time! How well do you know Coffs Harbour?
Test your knowledge
Do you know all of the most important historical and trivia facts about the city of Coffs Harbour? Test your knowledge with our test! You need 70% to call yourself a true Coffs Harb… Well, let’s see if you know what is the correct demonym.
The results are completely anonymous so if you fail, no shame! Just hit the books, come back until you score 100%, then proudly share the results.
Oops. You need to read up and TRY AGAIN!

#1. When was Coffs Harbour established?

#2. When did Coffs Harbour become a city?

#3. What are the residents of Coffs Harbour called?

#4. What was the original name of Coffs Harbour?

#5. Why did the name of Coffs change to today’s Coffs Harbour?

#6. What was the estimated Coffs Harbour resident population in 2018?

#7. Who are the traditional custodians of the Coffs Harbour land?

#8. At which Coffs Coast beach was the cover image of Coastbeat’s 2019-2020 print issue taken?

#9. In 2020, which fruit is most imporant for the local economy?

#10. What is the capacity of the C.ex Coffs International Stadium where Coffs welcomed Elton John?

#11. To where can you fly from Coffs Harbour Regional Airport?
How did you do?
If you’ve passed, congratulations! If you didn’t, we will try not to judge – maybe you are from out of town. Regardless, don’t waste time. Start preparing for our upcoming quizzes by reading our Odd and Quirky Facts on different cities on the north coast.