Meet the Host: Aimee Pelley from Paint Your Town

Forget about expectations, judgement and mistakes. Art teacher Aimee Pelley is inviting adults to pick up a paint brush and play. At Port Central’s upcoming Paint and Sip workshop, Aimee will encourage exploration and experimentation as she helps participants create their very own artwork. 

“I definitely think everyone has the ability to make a mark and to produce something beautiful,” says owner of Paint Your Town Aimee Pelley. “It’s just learning to find it and learning to tap back into that innate desire to be playful and creative.” 

Creative Roots

Aimee recalls the joy of a childhood spent sketching her favourite Disney characters, dabbling in textiles and entering art competitions. She moved to Australia with an education degree and a Masters in fine art. Aimee wanted to find a way to honour her creative roots and teach others but the traditional school system wasn’t the right fit. She started Paint Your Town – a network of fun and social painting classes – so she could be a mum during the day and host paint parties at night. Events for adults combining art and alcohol have increased in popularity and Aimee can see the appeal. 

“It’s about getting your friends together and not only learning a new skill but relaxing outside of your everyday duties and stresses,” she explains. “It’s very important for you to be able to do that for yourself – having that mindful practice is incredible.”

Approach Art Like a Child

As fun as adult classes are, Aimee missed working with children. She started a school holiday program seven years ago and opened her own studio – The Seed. In her experience creating with both children and adults, Aimee has come to the conclusion that she teaches the big ones but learns from the littles. 

“Adults are patient, but they tend to be nervous and scared,” Aimee says. “Kids are so excited that there’s no room for fear – they’re ready to experiment!” 

You have the opportunity to connect with the playfulness of your youth at Port Central’s Coastbeat Creative Hub on Saturday September 11. Aimee says the aim is for participants to relax, have fun and realise they do have the ability to create. 

“I want people to feel empowered and excited to learn more new skills,” she adds. “Forget judgement and anxiety and just play.”

What are you waiting for? Get a group of friends together and book in today!