Celebration b4 Renovation – Bellingen
The Bellingen Memorial Hall is a favourite setting for many events, including concerts and festivals, but its doors are about to be closed for a major transformation. The historic venue is to be transformed into a cultural arts hub during the next 12 months. An amazing night of entertainment has been organised to celebrate the hall before the renovations begin, with world music star Yossa Haile and band performing their unique and infectious Ethiopian grooves, as well as Samba Soul drum and dance band, Funkatu bringing the funk and roots, deadly Gumbaynggirr act Jumbaal Dreaming featuring Uncle Martin Ballangary, the delightful Bellingen String Quartet, and maybe a few surprises. Tickets $30 ($40 including dinner) but remember tickets are limited due to COVID-19 restrictions.
When: Sunday, January 17, 6pm to 10.30pm
Where: Bellingen Memorial Hall, Hyde St, Bellingen